In Wolf Beach (La spiaggia del lupo) Angela, the main character, is followed through the stages of adolescence to young adulthood and on to full maturity, acquiring at each stage ever more inner strength that gives her self-reliance and determination.
As Lagorio told Claudio Toscano in a 1977 interview, Angela is the image of the modern woman because she fights to gain her own dignity and individual identity: [“Senza inutile nostalgie o regressioni di convenienza, accetta fino in fondo la realtà sua e del suo tempo e del suo ambiente”] Without useless nostalgia, or regressions of convenience, she accepts to the end her reality, the reality of her time and her environment.
First published by Garzanti in 1977, Metauro Edizioni now releases the first English translation of this comingof-age novel (Campiello award winner) curated by Maria Rosaria Vitti Alexander and opens the series Oltre ogni confine (Beyond every border) directed by Antonio Carlo Vitti.
Autrice e Traduttrice
Gina Lagorio was born Luigina Bernocco on January 6th 1922 in the Langhe region of Piedmont. After World War II the family moved to Savon, in Liguria, where her father traded in the wines produced on the family’s estate. The works of Gina Lagorio cover a period of more than thirty years, and range from fiction to drama, from literary criticism to newspaper articles, magazines and radio broadcasts. He literary criticism are mostly on poets and writers of her beloved Piemonte, and many of her theatrical pieces were presented abroad. Lagorio is a steadfast writer who strives for clarity and incisiveness, objectivity and substantive meaning. In 1987 she was elected to the Italian Parliament and served for five years as a member of the Independent Left. Her writings reveal an artist sure of her individual identity, always seeking to overcome traditional roles and limitations imposed by society. Her strong female characters reflect their author in their quest for self-knowledge and understanding. She published narrative and theatrical works, in addition to literary essays and she won the Campiello award in 1997 with her novel La spiaggia del lupo.
Maria Rosaria Vitti Alexander is Professor of Italian at Nazareth College, Chair of MFL and Director of the Study Abroad for Pescara & Florence (Italy). She is also coordinator of Casa Italiana at Nazareth College, a center that offers a broad range of educational, social, and cultural programs related to Italy.
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